Angie Miles is one of those proud nerd types. She’s always loved learning and she enjoys helping to spark that same joy in others. As a media studies adjunct professor, she has helped a number of aspiring journalists to develop their talents. She’s also impressed upon them the demands and the responsibilities that accompany this career path. Angie also holds a master’s degree in reading with special emphasis on early childhood literacy, adolescent literacy and gifted education. She is a forceful proponent of both family literacy and bibliotherapy. And she is the founder of HAPPY Reading, a 501(c)3 that focuses on mindfulness and motivation as well as aptitudes and attitudes in helping learners of all ages and abilities to grow their interest and skills in reading.

“You are my favorite professor by far. I love that your class is fun and it keeps me mentally engaged. I feel that I’m challenged and am learning new things all the time.” Will H.

“I have to tell you that I think of what you taught me about using active voice every time I start to write a script. And I believe my writing stands out because of it.” Cynthia B.

“I don’t feel smart when I’m at school. But when I’m with you at HAPPY Reading Camp, I don’t just feel smart. I know that I’m smart.” HAPPY Camper